Friday, July 30, 2010

Give in Order To Receive

Give your smile and joy to everyone you meet.  And when you see their faces light, you’ll receive a treat! 

This is such a great example of the Law of Attraction at work.  In this example we can get instant feedback, instant gratification and know that the Law of Attraction really is working in our lives every single moment of every single day.

I've often done this when I've been caught in a day that perhaps isn't going my way.  I take time to pause and think....'now how do I want the rest of my day to flow'.... and so I smile.  Just the very act of smiling will change my entire dynamic and then to go about my day and share that smile with others, only to have them smile back at me, completely changes my thought processes from those of lack to those of abundance.

Sometimes I like to even make it a competition with myself.  How many people can I make smile today?  This can be very exciting especially when you come across someone who really doesn't want to smile. 

Thinking of all the people in my life over the years, I realize the ones that have left lasting impressions are the ones who smile in the face of all their adversities, they spread good cheer even when they are going through their own challenges.  These are very special people, for in their sharing and giving they ooze a special aura that makes one feel special and cared for, no matter what.  

I love the Law of Attraction.  I know that what I put out there, I most certainly will get back.  And so, attracting into our lives what we want, all starts with having an 'attitude of gratitude'.  Being thankful not only for what you already have but what you are going to have in the future.  Life is precious, friends are precious, our learning experiences while sometimes challenging are also precious, our children are precious, the food on our tables, the clean air we breathe, the music we listen to which brings us joy, the clothes on our backs, the people we come into contact with each day, our jobs and guess what even our taxes are a reason to be grateful.  Without tax we wouldn't have our many health and education services or our welfare system for those who need it.  So you see even something most of us dislike intensely is a reason for gratitude ans reason to smile.

What do you have to be grateful for today?  What can you do today to make it a better day than yesterday, not just for yourself, but others you come into contact with?

"A smile is the light in your window that lets others know there is a caring person inside." - Denis Waitley