Thursday, January 14, 2010

Your decision

"You are the only problem you will ever have and you are the solution. Change is inevitable. Personal growth is always a personal decision." - Bob Proctor

Life is about choice. At any given time we can choose to follow a new path or choose to stay on the old one. Only problem is if you continue to do what you've always done, you will get what you've always got.

Sometimes the choice will be a hard one but anything worth having usually always requires a little work. There is no such thing as an easy ride, no matter how easy it may look from the outside watching someone else achieve. That person will almost always have put in the hard yards first to get where they are today.

The hard yards don't have to be hard though. By aligning yourself with the right people and the right support, you too can achieve any dream you've ever had for yourself. The power of two or more is always greater than the power of one. So align yourself to people who have already achieved what you want to achieve and follow hot on their tails, learning as you go, and you cannot help but succeed.

Success is a decision. It won't just fall in your lap. The day I made a decision to work from home and go after the lifestyle I'd always dreamed of, was an awesome day. A little scary, but also very exciting. Since then I've never looked back. It hasn't been smooth sailing in the beginning, but it gets easier every day. I'm so very grateful to have a found a community of like minded individuals who support me on a daily basis and who have the same aspirations as I do. We help each other in that respect we all succeed. We are all working the "Law of Attraction" and its a great place to be.

More another day. Go forth and prosper.

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