"If you fail to plan, you're planning to fail."
The planning phase is very important in organizing your thoughts to carry out the desired effects.
You might say that this is boring stuff, but you should never underestimate this process. This is like a guideline to steer you into the right direction.
Your plan will be your road map. Spend enough time to ponder through the different approaches and choose the best one to implement.
It will be best if you choose a quiet place to make your plan. Your mind can focus and think more clearly this way.
Evaluate all the pros & cons. Assess how much time, money, & other resources you have to impart or sacrifice in order to fulfill your desires.
Let your goal guide you to choose the best plan to implement. Let the image of your visualization inspire & motivate you to make a plan that will produce the desired results.
Every individual has his own unique perception of a well-made plan. There are no specific rules in making it. But in case you're in a tight situation, let me give you some tips.
1) Write down your objective. This is a precise definition of your target.
2) Brainstorm the strategies & tactics you will employ to accomplish your objective.
3) Assess the advantages & disadvantages of carrying out those strategies & choose those tactics where the pros outweigh the cons.
4) Set a timeline or deadline in completing your mission.
5) Make modifications & back-up plans in case Plan A doesn't work.
6) As your plan evolves, you will gain experience. Learn from your mistakes.
Hey, to make this more fun, you could imagine being a top secret agent with "an impossible mission." In everything you do, try to mix up some fun & excitement to motivate you further.