Saturday, May 22, 2010

Find Your Passion

6 Phases of Being Employed at a Stressful job

Phase 1  
You are listening to jazz -- Your first day at work is great. Your fellow co-workers are wonderful, your office is cute, you love your agents, and your manager is the best!

Phase 2
You are listening to pop music --
After a while you are so busy that you are not sure if you're coming or going anymore.

Phase 3

You are listening to heavy metal --
This is what you feel like after ONE month.

 Phase 4

You are listening to hip hop --
You become bloated due to stress, you're gaining weight due to lack of exercise because you are so tired and have so much work to do and, when you do get home, you feel sluggish and suffer from constipation. Your fellow co-workers are too cheerful for your liking, your family doesn't understand a word you say and the walls of your office are closing in.

Phase 5

You are listening to GANGSTA RAP --
After more time passes, your eyes start to twitch and you forget what a 'good hair day' feels like as you just fall out of bed and load up on caffeine.

Phase 6

ou are listening to the voices in your head --
You have locked your office door to keep people out. You wonder WHY you are even here in the first place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Moral of the story, find something you can be passionate about then love what you do.  


  1. That's really funny Wendy. It brought back old memories when I was in a job like that. Makes me so appreciative of where I am now.



  2. thats funny! I like it!

  3. Hi Wendy, I've worked in jobs like that! I love where I am now much better!

  4. I remember back in the '80's I got a job that I KNEW I didn't like after just 3 days.... and I was there 3 1/2 years. What was I thinking back then?

  5. Nice post Wendy I think we have all been in that place some time or another, maybe I am still partly there? But there are no excuses if we dont like what we are doing we should make the change.

  6. Hey Wendy, at times most of us have worked jobs like that, and they are only a temporary solution to what we really want - happiness and fulfillment. So true, find what your passionate about, love your work Wendy :)

  7. Great post Wendy, had you been spying on me??? LOL - The fact is nothing likely changes in our physical surroundings, it's really just perspective. You're right Happiness really is the key to success - Love what you do. Thanks for your perspective.

  8. great to receive your comments everyone, yes indeed it really does put things into perspective. It's so easy to get caught up in the daily 'grind' and forget about having passion in what we do. I love that I get to travel in my motorhome daily and live my life with passion.
