Sunday, August 1, 2010

I"t is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves" - Sir Edmund Hillary


How often do you go through your day and wonder where some of your
beliefs are coming from and how you are even thinking them?

How often have you wondered what you can do to change those beliefs,
if you even need to change them at all?

Have you ever asked yourself the questions:

"How important are changing my beliefs to me" and "how different
would life be if I did change them?"

Here are a few tips

1. Be aware of your language and thoughts- If you find yourself
saying words and thinking thoughts such as, "I should", "I have to",
"I'm supposed to", "I've got to", "I need to", etc. then that is a
clear sign that you are attempting to live according to someone else's
values and belief system.

If you are saying words and thinking thoughts such as "I love to",
"I'm excited to", "I'm inspired to", "This is what I've always
dreamed of", then that is a sign that you are living according to
your values and what is most important to you and according to YOUR

2. See how it serves you- Any time you have a limiting belief or
negative thought, rather than get rid of it, look to see how it
serves and helps you. Many people want to "get rid of" parts of
themselves instead of learning how to use them in accomplishing
their purpose and goals.

This is one of the ways you also learn how to love yourself. When
you are able to integrate parts of yourself you feel you want to
get rid of your self worth grows and so do you. Rather than "get rid
of" limiting beliefs learn how to appreciate and use them to help
you in achieving what you would love to have in your life.

3. There are no mistakes- Always remember there are no such things as
"mistakes". Everything that has happened and that happens in your
life is part of the divine perfection of the Universe we all live
in. When you see how everything serves you it is a lot easier to
appreciate and be grateful for everything you have in your life.

One of the most amazing things you can do on your life's journey is
to realize that you are perfect. Many people claim they are not
perfect and that is because they are buying into what perfection is
"supposed" to be.

You are perfect because everything about you, even the things you despise
about yourself and others serves you and serves the world and this
includes any negative thoughts and limiting beliefs you may have.

When you take the time to look and see that what you have, to include
your beliefs, provide value to you and the world, it is a lot easier
to see how special and magnificent you truly are.

So today…..

Know thyself
Be thyself
Love thyself

Have an exciting and inspiring day


  1. Such a beautiful post and it has touched me. I love the part about being perfect as we are, very true. Thanks for sharing

  2. As always, beautifully and elegantly describing what we all know but tend to forget. Thank you, Wendy.
