Sunday, June 13, 2010

Are You Living The Life You Really Want

My friend Kurek posted this quote this morning on his facebook.
"Were only going to be in this container for a one time ride. So pull out all of the stops, manage your fear and GO FOR IT! Life is about getting in as many new experiences as you can before the ride is over." - Kurek Ashley

Imagine if everyone lived by this phylosophy, imagine if nothing held you back, no limiting beliefs, no nay sayers, no limits at all.  I've always had an attitude that I will try anything once and if it excites me I'll do it again, if not I won't but at least I will have tried it.

I attended one of Kureks seminars a few years ago now, and there was an exercise he did that has stayed with me ever since.  In a locked room of 300 people (there was no getting away, it was a process we all committed to go through) he guided us through a visualisation that was so very powerful.  In this visualisation, he had us on our deathbed, with family around us.  There were no friends because we hadn't taken the time to make any.  We;d been so caught up in our own woes that life had largely passed us by.  The family were all commiserating about the fact that I'd not done anything with my life, such a waste, so much potential and I'd let so many opportunities pass me by. 
It was an incredibly sad scene - feelings of regret, wasted time, unsaid words, un-accomplished goals, my end was near and I had absolutely nothing to show for it.  People knew me as someone who never did anything with my life.  It's hard to put into words here on paper, just how impactful that visualisation was, but I remember being in that place and thinking "Kurek, you better be getting us out of this because this is a hateful place to be" - I mean there were 300 people in that hall and we all had tears pouring down our faces.  Tears for the regret, the shame, the lost opportunities, the lack of personal worth.
Needless to say, he did bring us out - we left that imaginary death bed, walked down the hall, closed the door and cemented it shut so we couldn't go back and then proceeded to a place where we were achieving all our dreams and exploring all our potential.

In all the books I've read over the years, that talked about visualisation, not one had taken me on a negative journey like this, but the impact was profound.  By being in that negative space and feeling the tragedy of it, we were able to see so clearly what we DIDN'T want.  It gave us a perspective not experienced before.  I left that room feeling like there was absolutely nothing I couldn't do if I really wanted to.

Following this exercise, the room was unlocked and we all proceed outside to walk on burning coals.  What an experience.  I walked on fire - not a blister, not a burn, no pain...nothing.

Even though I did this exercise, it wasn't as powerful for me as the visualisation beforehand.  I'd done things before in my life that everyone said couldn't be done, and I've done things since, so walking on the coals was pretty easy.  I already knew the power of my mind to enable me to do the seemingly impossible.  It was an awesome experience and it was wonderful to see the shifts that others went through by walking on the coals, but for me the real power had come to me inside that room.

It reinforced my attitude of "never give up - UNTIL".  

Today I live my life on MY terms.  I live the life I want and do the things I want to do.  Everything is about choice and I make choices that will stretch me beyond what I already know to be true.  I want to Know For Myself if something can be done or not.  I'm not content to listen to others tell me it can't be done, or that it's not the way for me.  How do they know.... especially if they haven't tried for themselves.

In the last 12 mths, I've finally found a community of people (a worldwide community) who live and breathe like this every day.  They support me 100% and encourage and inspire me daily.  To be a part of something so beautiful has only served to make me even more committed to getting the most out of my life that I possibly can.
There isn't a day goes by that I'm not grateful for every one of these new friends and for the home business that has made it all possible.  

I am loving life, and I am living the life I really want.... what could be better than that?


  1. Hey Wendy - love this post. In his book THE UNTETHERED SOUL Michael Singer says death is our friend, because the sure knowledge of our impending death gives us a deep appreciation for life. Seems like your "deathbed" visualisation has certainly been a powerful motivator for you. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thank you for sharing this, Wendy. It is a very powerful example of what we are capable of and how life is too short and too precious to waste.

  3. I have always been one that has found clarity through contrast in my life. That is what your post brought up for me this evening. Thank you.

  4. So glad it had some relevance for you Shawna. Thank you Shawna and Suzi for your comments
