Thursday, June 17, 2010

Is It More Important To Be Right or Kind?

This question was posed to me this morning via my facebook.  It brings up some interesting thoughts, not the least of which is that if I am operating with integrity then for me its far more important to be kind.

In being kind to not only others but to ourselves (the one person we often forget) we will in the long run also be right.  Being kind is operating from our heart, where being right is operating from our head.  Therefore, surely if we operate from our hearts this is what will give us the greatest satisfaction at the end of the day.

Being kind as opposed to right, for me, means letting go of all judgement and allowing unconditional love to be the precursor to all my decisions.  That in turn will mean that I am indeed doing what is right for me and right for others.

In the past as a young person I often came from a place of being right and I have to say that invariably in the end, no-one won so nothing was achieved.  To come from a place of kindness, of unconditional love is so much more empowering.  I can feel good about what I'm doing, I can approach situations with tolerance and yes feel kind in the process.  If putting this into perspective with the Law of Attraction it is therefore safe to assume that in being kind, kindness is what we'll get back without a doubt.

I can see though how others would feel that being right is more important than being kind.  And for them, in their current space, being right is indeed important.  Some people need to be right to feel validated, to feel worthy, to feel they belong or just to feel they are making progress, but with all the lessons that come our way in life there does come a point where we hopefully learn to recognise that  'being right' is not the be all and end all, and in fact by "being kind" we all win in the end.

It again comes down to being "kind" to yourself.  In being kind to oneself, we are letting go of judgement.  So often we judge ourselves or compare ourselves to others. We only do this because of limiting beliefs we've taken on board since childhood that have become ingrained in our psychi.  By embarking on a journey of personal development one can explore where these limiting beliefs have come from and take action steps to work through them.  Surely this must be the ultimate kindness to ourselves.  To allow ourselves to be a priority in our own lives, to explore our own potential, to treat ourselves with such kindness must in the end lead to being "right" for ourselves.
Investing in ourselves must be the very highest investment we can make, for by investing in our own personal development the day will come when all is right with our world and by operating from "kindness" we'll come to realise that everyone is "right" in their own reality.

So for me, the answer to the leading question is a resounding 'being kind is more important than being right.'


  1. Amen Wendy... being kind, sincere and in integrity is always more important to me than being "right"!

  2. The only time where being right has a relevance is in matters of process. The car won't start until you put the key in the ignition etc etc. Philosophies come from our heart. We all come to this life with our unique blueprints. Being right is just not in the vocabulary here. It's about compassion, being open and being respectful to one another.

  3. Absolutely spot on for my money Wendy. Kindness always assists everybody, being right just is not designed to have the same effect!
    Start on the inside, with ourselves where we all need it the most and then the kindness just seeps out. Just how would it be with the planet swamped in a deluge of kindness, an ocean starts with a tiny drop!

  4. Yes that would indeed be a utopic world Andy, and its lovely to be a part of that tiny drop in the ocean.

  5. Some people insist so much on being "right" that they lose sight of the really important things in life. After I'm gone, I would rather they said of me, "she was kind", than "she was right"!

    Kindness has its own reward in how it makes us feel and how it affects the people around us and it is contagious. So let's spread the kindness!

  6. This is so true about being kind to oneself first before being right. The important thing to remember is to be true to yourself about what kind of person you are and then improving on that too..

  7. Great stuff. People will remember how you made them FEEL, and kindness will make them feel valued.
